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Frigoblock take place in the Conference on Ammonia and CO2 Technologies.

Climate change has started to lead to devastating consequences, increasing the importance of refrigerant selection in newly designed units, which has led to the need for more complex technological systems. In particular, the use of natural refrigerant is increasing due to many restrictions on the use of HFC gases by the F-Gas Regulation published in 2014 in Europe. In this respect, the Ammonia and CO2 Techn ...

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The African extraction of the HVAC-R sector has begun

A member of the board of Directors of Frigoblock and Isib, who has explained the details of the project related to African countries, which were started several months ago by Isib, Levent Aydin, the following about the African extraction of the air conditioning sector Information: "Turkey's promotional group was created in a statement made by the Ministry in the past days. Exporters ' unions ca ...

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Frigo Block received great interest from Chillventa visitors with its environmentalist products in 2018

Frigo Block took place at the Chillventa 2018, which was held every two years in Nuremberg, Germany, on October 16-18, the world's most comprehensive international HVAC-r exhibition. The fair, which welcomes industry professionals and firms from all over the world, has been in production of Frigo Block for the last few years and has attracted great interest in products that work with natural fluids. All ...

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How is the cooling load calculated?

How is the cooling load calculated? What's a cold room? The cold room is used to slow down the deterioration of the rapidly deteriorating products, such as fruit vegetables and meat, and keep it fresh for as long as possible. Heat is a factor that accelerations of product degradation. For this reason, the heat in the atmosphere in the cold rooms are removed and the products are cooled. Cooling systems a ...

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Ethylene gas control in cold storage

After the harvest of fruit vegetables, the quality decreases over time due to some factors. The preservation ability of many products can be changed with the control of the Etile. Although ethylene is a useful herbal hormone in post-harvest operations, it can reduce the retention life of some fruits and cause some physiological disorders. So it must be taken under control. Increase of ethylene in products s ...

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Frigoblock exhibits new generation products in Sodex

Levent Aydin, a member of the Frigoblock Board of Directors of Frigoblock, which we visited at his booth in Sodex Istanbul, also shared his ideas and observations about Sodex. 2017 in terms of their own companies, stating that the year was not very bright Levent Aydin, the following information: "Our country's relations with the surrounding countries, Europe and the United States also had significa ...

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Levent Aydin, 30 years of cooling systems held the lantern

[:en]Frigo Block Board member Levent Aydin, besides being an intellectual personality, is a name that makes the narrative rest by decorating the speeches with smiling figures. Our When we listened to this story, it starts by saying that our conversation is ' real Laz '. Levent Aydin, who was the world in 1961 in Hopa, said that the whole Black Sea region in Turkey was addressed as ' Laz ' bu ...

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Frigo Block is the largest HVAC-R exhibition in Eurasia-Sodex 2018

The most important and largest HVAC-R fair in Eurasia, ISK-Sodex, will be held in 2018 in the new location at TÜYAP Fair and Congress Center between 7-10 February 2018. Frigo Block and the group firm Frigo Refrigeration will be in the same year as every year, with the companies from each arm of the HVAC-R sector, such as heating, cooling, ventilation, insulation and plumbing. New exhibition venue, new histo ...

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Ikü Air Conditioning technology students visit Frigoblock

The students of Istanbul Kültür University's Tbmyo HVAC-R and refrigeration technology were visited by Frigo Block's Hadimkoy head office as part of the event, which was jointly carried out by Frigo block refrigeration systems and Iskav. During a visit on Thursday, November 30th, 2017, students of the different classes of air conditioning and refrigeration technology, along with the management units ...

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Export Achievement Award from TSO to Frigo Block

The "Stars of Thrace" award ceremony organized annually by the Tekirdag Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TSO), Frigoblock Refrigeration Inc. 2016 was awarded the award for its high volume exports. On Monday, September 11, 2017, at the Ramada Hotel in Tekirdag, the festival of the Stars of Thrace was held simultaneously with the groundbreaking ceremony of TOBB vocational and technical Anatolian Hi ...

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