
Quality Policy

Introducing the best products and services as confidential, open to innovation, and with a pioneer approach. Acting in accordance to our country regulations and as environmentally sensitive producing low energy consumption products, proper to national and international standards Increasing our competitive strengths by adopting our corporation culture to Total Quality Management.

Customer Satisfaction is our indispensable principle. Providing quality products and services on time continuously, competitive, sensitive to market conditions, we aim to develop continuously.
We will work with zero defect policy. Avoid the errors before the occurrence.

Adopting customer orientation, providing difference in our products and services, leadership of our top management and participation of our employees, enabling continuous improvement and increasing efficiency.

Work Safety Policy

FrigoBlock A.Ş. in accordance to worker health and work safety legislations and statutes, policy is constituted related to health, security and workable business ambient.

Methods are applied to place work health and safety pre-eminently with optimum technology, proper to present legislations and statutes.

Accidents and probable risk points which can lead to accidents are determined, performing corrective actions to prevent these issues and preventing work accidents and risks and manage them in a systematic way.

  • Continuous improvement of Work Health and Safety Performance
  • Acting in accordance to Legal regulations
  • Evaluate WHS risks as a criterion at the new investment selection.
  • To improve our workers WHS conscious, train them for the risks that they can be exposed to
  • By instructing our customers and suppliers about WHS we promise to increase their WHS conscious.

R&D Policy

Growth ratios at the markets created by modern marketing are limited and for creating additional value with our potential wealth, Finding new products and usage areas instead of waiting the market to grow, we target to concentrate on Research and Development operations. Within this scope to develop and grow FrigoBlock Sogutma Sistemleri A.Ş desires to make an invention that can be subject to a patent.

R&D department personnel relying to innovation principle carries out the activities in three different ways;
Increasing the quality and performance of present product.
Product Brandization activity.
New product development activities.

Environment Policy

Environment awareness and sustainability are the subjects that FrigoBlock Soğutma Sistemleri San. Tic. A.Ş. focuses on primarily. In our production consciousness to environment and society, believing to continuous improvement and as a corporation that prioritize quality in products and services;
Adapting to legal conditions and legislation by visionary approaches. Adaptation to statutes and regulations are performed with the participation of all employees. Changes in statutes, process operation and equipment are followed up by planning the suitability in future. For gaining most economic solutions we work with our suppliers for ‘Clean Production Technologies’ We present effective behaviors to prevent environment pollution. The factors inside and outside the factory that can lead to environment pollution are decreased to minimum. Usage of the resources and energy in a smart way is primarily handled. Operations are carried out with the objective to reduce waste, recycling and reuse techniques operations, natural resources, raw material, packaging, auxilary materials, with wise energy usage. Promises are performed toward our shareholders. We are in constructive dialog with all shareholders. As FrigoBlock Soğutma Sistemleri San. Tic. A.Ş. we promise to build up strong relations with all shareholders in meaning of respect and transparency to society. As our must close shareholders; employees are supported to carry out their promises related to workplace and home. Environment focused approach is applied at Investment, process and product management. Equipment and product investments are planned and actualized with considering sustainable environment issues. Environmental effects of the products are evaluated at the product life cycle. Environment policies and outputs are discussed by our top management. Corrective action is taken regarding the necessary points and by the way ownage feeling is shown in highest level.

Food Safety Policy

We provide SAFE COLD STORAGE for food industry by serving required unit, equipment and engineering to our customers.
We follow up legal regulations that we service in, we understand customer’s demands and expectations and we carry out workings accordingly.
We work for minimizing food safety hazards, we lead and train our employees in this direction.
We aim to implement COLD CHAIN FOOD SAFETY activities in the whole organization, based on science, with preventive approach, open communication, team works and and inspections perfectly.